A Little About ME ~~~

I guess you could call me a late bloomer. I have always wanted to have my own DIY website, and decided it is better late than never! So here I am, almost 70 years old, and going to get this show started! I struggle with all of the new technology, but I am very willing to learn and have a lot of time on my hands. Now seems to be the time to do this. So here we go!

I have seen so many people, of all ages, setting up websites and videos and posting them on Youtube. I decided it was time for me to learn a few new things! I decided to do this now since I have the time and because I am going to be doing a lot of projects on our house. The first project I am gong to tackle is my craft room. I am in the process of re-painting it and then completely re-organizing it and setting it up so I can actually work in there!

My goal is not necessarily to make money. I just want to be able to share all of my knowledge and the projects that I will be starting — and hopefully completing! I think it will be fun for me, and also for anyone that reads my website or watches my videos. I need something to excite me and to get me up in the morning! So this is what I have chosen to do!

I have been married for 39 years to an amazing man! He supports me in every way, and also has an incredible sense of humor. I appreciate him so much, and realize I am very lucky to have had him in my life all of these years. He will be assisting me in a lot of the projects, as he is very handy and also an electrical engineer. We downsized and had to move inland to be able to afford our last and final home. We went from a 2,500 s.f. home to one a little over 1,500 feet. We are still struggling with too much stuff! But we are slowly getting there. This is not a home that I would have chosen as my first choice, and I did not even like it when we bought it. Unfortunately, it was the only home, at the time, that we could qualify for. So we took the leap and bought it. It has been a challenge and will continue to be so. But I know I can make peace with it and maybe even love it, after a lot of work! In my earlier life, I was an interior decorator and sold hundreds of window treatments. We lived in the Bay Area (of San Francisco) for 30 years, and that is where I had my business. I am too old and crippled to sell window treatments anymore, so I need to do something else. Also, with all the problems of the last 2 years, I would not have survived in that industry without being able to make sales calls.

A few years before I actually started my design business, I also worked in a plant nursery. I learned everything there was to know about plants. So I am also using that knowledge to tackle our yard. We have a front yard, a back yard and 2 side yards. The yards were in total disarray as was the house. The previous owners left us lots of problems that were not disclosed when we bought the house. But I guess this is where God wanted us to be! I kid with my husband that God must not have wanted us to sit on our butts and enjoy retirement! He wants us up working everyday. So that is what we do! So come along for the ride. I am going to have a lot of fun!